Monday, November 16, 2015

Updose #14

Today Beck was upped to 2 peanuts for his morning and night dosing this week.
Crazy stuff.

Dr. Jones came in the waiting room after Beck had his dose, just to chat with the patients.  He's a good Dr.  We parents commented that we can't believe how fast this is going.  We started the end of July, and here we are, after 15 weeks, at 2 full peanuts, twice a day.

It is a good lesson of baby steps.  That you truly can accomplish great things even if it's small steps (amounts).  If you keep consistent at something, it adds up!  It's not always big events that are the life changers.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I'm thinking there's a R.S. lesson or talk in your comments!
    Love you all, 'Miss you!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Grandma Walton
