Monday, December 7, 2015

Updose #17

Upped to 5 peanuts, twice a day!  No issues.

5 is kind of a lot.  I watch some of the younger kids stand there for like 5 whole minutes eating a handful of nuts.  Gosh, getting up to 12 twice a day is going to be pretty filling!

Instead of 5 peanuts he could also be eating:
8 peanut M&M's
1 tsp flavored peanut butter
1 tsp JIF peanut butter

We didn't bring a jar of peanut butter with us today, so we will have to wait until our next updose appointment to try that.  They like you to try peanut butter in office for the first time as some people have reactions even when they've been doing well with regular peanuts.


  1. Way to go, Beck! You are doing so great!
    I'm still amazed at this wonderful miracle we're watching!
    Love you, Grandma Walton

  2. That is a ton of peanuts!!!! So crazy it is working!

  3. This is just so cool. I am so happy for you guys.
