Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 2 - treatment

To begin, I was pretty dang anxious.  Those of us mothers to food allergy kids have been so vigilant, we have to be!  We do everything in our power to keep allergens away from our kids.  And here I was, giving permission for him to ingest the one thing I've worked so hard to keep him free of for the last 14 years!!

The staff was very nice and said they would be concerned about what type of mother I was if I weren't nervous.  :)

In the waiting room:

My body couldn't decide whether to faint, puke, or poop my pants - I was so anxious.  Beck was all smiles, ready to begin.

After they took all his vitals, we were taken to the OIT room.  (OIT stands for Oral Immunotherapy).  We were here with 6 other kids getting treatment for food allergies.  It's just like a waiting room in a doctors office, a room with lots of chairs.  Nothing fancy...  Beck really liked this sign on the wall:

Beck began treatment at 5 micrograms of peanut flour mixed in a kool-aid liquid.  This is put in a syringe, and then inserted into the mouth, and taken just like a liquid medicine.  After it is swallowed, the kids are told to swish and swallow.  This way, any residue that might be left in the mouth is also swallowed.

15 minutes later, a timer would ring, and he was given 5 micrograms again.
15 minutes later, timer, and he was given a little more concentrated dose.

The nurses busy at work prepping doses and keeping charts up to date:

Each dose was given and then repeated once and then he got a higher concentration.
This went on for about 2.5 hours (I think 10 doses were given today).

We then waited around for a half hour to watch for reaction, and get home instructions for tonight from the doctors and nurses.

Tonight we give our first "home dose", at 7:30 pm.
We return tomorrow morning for a repeat of what occurred today in office.


The only reaction was after about dose 3 he got a little stomach cramping, said he just felt "blah".  He was given some crackers to eat, and the feeling subsided...  ?!

Of course, being a mom I was watching every time he itched his nose, questioning if he was getting hives.  :)  It was nice to see the other moms doing the same thing.  Good to know I'm not the only crazy one!  Haha.


  1. Yay! Yay! .... Beck I'm so excited for you! It's so cool to see a real miracle happening even if it's gradually!
    Love you tons!
    Grandma Walton

  2. This is so awesome!! Proud of BOTH of you!!!
