Monday, September 14, 2015

Updose #5

We stayed on dose #4 (1mL of peanut E solution) for 2 weeks due to the holiday.

So, today we bumped up to 1.5mL of peanut E solution.  Grape flavored this week - that's about the only change!  (The nurses just choose whatever flavor to make the liquid...)  I think this means he's at about 1/13th of a peanut.  Although, the "weight" of an average peanut is a debate, I wonder sometimes if my numbers are quite right.  But, regardless, we are making progress.  :)

In 2 weeks time we will be off the liquid and moved to peanut flour!  That's pretty exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Beck! Amazing to see this miracle in action!
    Love you, Grandma Walton
