Monday, September 28, 2015

Updose #7

Today Beck was supposed to be up-dosed to peanut flour in a capsule.

On Saturday, after his morning dose his throat felt a little constricted.  We weren't sure if it was related to the dose, or just random.  We watched him and the symptoms eventually went away with no intervention.

At this morning appointment, we informed the Dr of the episode on Saturday.  Today we decided to proceed with the peanut flour capsule, as we don't have an explanation for Saturday's episode.

I will say, when Beck watched the nurse open the capsule and pour the peanut flour into a pudding mixture, his eyebrows raised.  When he ate the chocolate pudding, he commented that it was crunchy and tasted differently.  Although it was still a small amount of peanut flour (2.5mg), I could actually smell a peanut flavor on his breath...

After doses we always wait 45 mins for reaction.  Today at the end of the 45 minutes when we got up to leave Beck put his hand to his chest.  He said he was fine, but I questioned what was going on.  He said his chest, under his sternum felt like it was being pushed on...

So, to be safe, the dr watched us a little longer and wanted to know what he was experiencing.

It was decided that we would repeat last weeks dose this week and wait to move up to the peanut flour.  The Dr. was very nice.  Her thoughts on his reaction were either:

A.  His body may have hit its threshold, and decided to give us a reaction.  (Which, we've had very few of up until now, just stomach aches).
B.  Perhaps it was anxiety more than an allergic reaction.  She explained that sometimes kids (especially old enough to understand what's going on), when they see that peanut flour, and taste it for the first time, and feel that crunch - it causes them anxiety which can manifest itself in various forms...

Not sure, which it is.  But, in that we have a family trip planned, together we opted it might be best to stay on last weeks maintenance dose so we don't have to worry about reaction while on a trip and don't know where the nearest hospital is.  The only difficulty is going to be keeping the peanut solution liquid refrigerated for the flight, and getting all the liquids onto the flight when they only allow the 3 fl oz!  The idea of taking the peanut capsules (that don't have to be refrigerated) was a really nice, convenient thought.  But, we'll get there soon enough.

Here goes...

Monday, September 21, 2015

Updose #6

Upped the dose at this mornings appointment to 2 mL of the Peanut E solution.   No reactions.

This morning the Dr asked Beck if he's noticed the peanut flavor yet (mixed in the koolaid).  He said no.  She said that it's about at this stage where kids start to actually taste the peanut flavor.  I thought that was interesting!  The drink mix is much thicker now than it was when we started.  A lot more peanut flour is in the liquid, you can see it separated and there's quite a bit of sediment on the bottom of the bottle when it's been sitting for a while.  So, we have to make sure to shake it really well now.

According to our calculations he's up to 1/10th of a peanut per dose.
But when I checked with the staff, they assume a peanut weighs 250mg per peanut, which would make him actually at 1/5th of a peanut per dose!

So, I'm not exactly sure, but point being, we are increasing amounts quickly!

Next week we are to bring a yogurt, or pudding, or applesauce to mix the peanut flour into.  :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Updose #5

We stayed on dose #4 (1mL of peanut E solution) for 2 weeks due to the holiday.

So, today we bumped up to 1.5mL of peanut E solution.  Grape flavored this week - that's about the only change!  (The nurses just choose whatever flavor to make the liquid...)  I think this means he's at about 1/13th of a peanut.  Although, the "weight" of an average peanut is a debate, I wonder sometimes if my numbers are quite right.  But, regardless, we are making progress.  :)

In 2 weeks time we will be off the liquid and moved to peanut flour!  That's pretty exciting!