Monday, August 31, 2015

Updose #4

Moving right along!  Today he was moved to Peanut E solution, which is more concentrated with the peanut flour.  He is taking 1mL of this for the next 2 weeks.  Yes, 2 weeks instead of 1 because of the Labor Day Holiday next Monday.

So far, no reactions to speak of!  Incredible.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Updose #3

Lucky me, I got the flu!  So, Scott took Beck to his up-dosing appointment this morning.

Dose is the same concentration (Peanut D solution), but he was increased to 8mL.
According to our calculations, this is approximately 1/25th of a peanut!

You can see the little peanut flour particles floating around in the solution when you draw it up.  This seems like progress.  A peanut could be divided into 25 pieces.  This is for sure trace amounts at this stage - so cool and exciting!

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Flu

The flu hit our house this week.  We had lots of cousins visiting, and 10/11 kids were throwing up within a 2 day period...

Beck got it Thursday late afternoon.  Any illness (fever, vomitting, cold, etc) are supposed to be reported to the staff.  Since he wasn't able to keep any food down, I called the Dr.'s office to see what to do about his evening dose.  We normally dose at 7pm.

I am sure each case is different, and I'm sure it depends on which concentration you are on as to what they will tell you to do.  In our case, they had Beck skip his evening dose, and I was told to call back in the morning for instructions for his morning dose.

This morning he was able to tolerate breakfast, so they instructed us to continue on with his normal 6mL dose.  I've heard often times you may move 'back' a little in dosing to then reach your updose again.  In that he's had no reactions, and he only missed one evening dose, and he's only at 6mL of the liquid, I'm guessing it wasn't enough to make him need to backtrack.

Great news!  Glad it was a fast flu bug.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Updose #2

Today Beck was moved up on his dosage.  Same concentration, but now he is getting 6mL.
It's the equivalent to about 1/33 of a peanut.

This week the solution is grape instead of cherry.  :)
That's about the only difference!
No reactions on his initial updose.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Updose #1

This morning was our first "updose" appointment since our initial few days about 10 days ago.

Pretty simple, really.  We check in.  They take vitals, listen to breathing, and ask questions about the last week.  Any asthma?  Any reactions while dosing?  Still taking probiotics daily?  etc.

Since all was well, Beck's dose was then upped to 4mL.
This is about the equivalent of 1/50th of a peanut.
We will do this 4mL dose morning and evening everyday until our next updose appointment in a week.

Slow and steady!  :)

Friday, August 7, 2015


Large family gatherings with lots of people and activities can make the peanut dosing a bit tricky.  Last night, the peanut solution was left out.  This morning, as the alarm went off to give Beck his dose, I opened the fridge and bottle.  I immediately turned around and there on the counter sat, a warm bottle of solution.  Dang it all.  Ruined.  It can only be out of the fridge for about 15 minutes before they tell us it is ruined.

So, lucky me, I got to drive an hour and 15 minutes to Layton to pick up another bottle...  So glad the doctors office was accomodating, and that this happened on a weekday instead of a weekend when they are closed!