Friday, June 12, 2015

We're About to Begin

We've been on a waiting list to begin the Peanut desensitization.  This week I got the call from the allergist, they've got an opening.  We quickly snatched it up!

Beck will have his pre-day #1 on July 20.  This day they will collect all consent forms, and review the program and answer any final questions.

July 21, pre-day #2:  This will include a 4 hour session where he will be given peanut solution every 15 minutes.

July 22, pre-day #3:  Repeat of day 2, receiving updoses every 30 minutes, for about 4 hours to see where he gets for his "tolerance" level of peanut.

(they used to do one 8 hour session, but now do 2, 4 hour days...)

We will then begin August 3 for our up-doses.  Each and every week for 6-7 months we will go every Monday morning to increase the peanut dose.  Mondays are going to be early days around here.  We are a 1 hour 15 minute drive to the Dr.'s office.  And, we need to be there by 7:20 each Monday.  :)

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